“Lace curtain: modeling and rendering of woven cloth using microfacet BSDF: production of a catalog of curtain animations” by Nomura, Ishida, Ishigo, Okamoto, Mizushima, et al. …

  • ©Shuhei Nomura, Atsushi Ishida, Emi Ishigo, Takuya Okamoto, Yoshinari Mizushima, and Noriko Nagata

  • ©Shuhei Nomura, Atsushi Ishida, Emi Ishigo, Takuya Okamoto, Yoshinari Mizushima, and Noriko Nagata




    Lace curtain: modeling and rendering of woven cloth using microfacet BSDF: production of a catalog of curtain animations



    The need for rendering woven fabrics arises frequently in computer graphics. Woven fabrics have a specific appearance, luster, and transparency. We have proposed a BTDF model using the Henyey-Greenstein Function (HGF)[Uno et al. 2008]. However, since the HGF is a phenomenologically based model, to make the model more accurate, a physically based model is introduced. This paper proposes a new microfacet BTDF model for woven fabrics. we embed a multi-band structure with a fluorescent property into the model, and the results of the rendering show the powerful influence of fluorescence on the appearance of the visible band.


    1. Uno, H., Mizushima, Y., Nagata, N., and Sakaguchi, Y. 2008. Lace curtain: measurement of BTDF and rendering of woven cloth-production of a catalog of curtain animations-. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 talks, ACM, 1.
    2. Walter, B., Marschner, S., Li, H., and Torrance, K. 2007. Microfacet models for refraction through rough surfaces. In Rendering Techniques (Proc. EG Symposium on Rendering), Citeseer, 195–206.

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©Shuhei Nomura, Atsushi Ishida, Emi Ishigo, Takuya Okamoto, Yoshinari Mizushima, and Noriko Nagata ©Shuhei Nomura, Atsushi Ishida, Emi Ishigo, Takuya Okamoto, Yoshinari Mizushima, and Noriko Nagata ©Shuhei Nomura, Atsushi Ishida, Emi Ishigo, Takuya Okamoto, Yoshinari Mizushima, and Noriko Nagata

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