“CAROL (Culture and Arts of Rochester Online)” by Goodman and Jacobs

  • ©Gordon Goodman and Stephen Jacobs




    CAROL (Culture and Arts of Rochester Online)

Program Title:

    SIGKids Community Outreach



    Four years ago, students in “Topics in Interactive Multimedia” built a Web  site for a Rochester, New York “living history museum.” From that initial site, CAROL has grown to include over 20 local arts and cultural institutions’ Web sites, an online events calendar, and a database of local artists. CAROL is also a consortium of organizations actively involved in shaping the future and growth of the sites. CAROL’s model – bringing non-profit cultural organizations, industry, and a university together – has been recognized by both the ACM (which invited CAROL to exhibit at ACM ‘97) and the NEA (which granted the local arts council $30,000 to support the project).

ACM Digital Library Publication:

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