“Vector field based shape deformations” by Funck, Theisel and Seidel

  • ©Wolfram von Funck, Holger Theisel, and Hans-Peter Seidel




    Vector field based shape deformations



    We present an approach to define shape deformations by constructing and interactively modifying C1 continuous time-dependent divergence-free vector fields. The deformation is obtained by a path line integration of the mesh vertices. This way, the deformation is volume-preserving, free of (local and global) self-intersections, feature preserving, smoothness preserving, and local. Different modeling metaphors support the approach which is able to modify the vector field on-the-fly according to the user input. The approach works at interactive frame rates for moderate mesh sizes, and the numerical integration preserves the volume with a high accuracy.


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