“Style and abstraction in portrait sketching” by Berger, Shamir, Mahler, Carter and Hodgins

  • ©Itamar Berger, Ariel Shamir, Moshe Mahler, Elizabeth Carter, and Jessica K. Hodgins




    Style and abstraction in portrait sketching

Session/Category Title:   Line Drawing




    We use a data-driven approach to study both style and abstraction in sketching of a human face. We gather and analyze data from a number of artists as they sketch a human face from a reference photograph. To achieve different levels of abstraction in the sketches, decreasing time limits were imposed — from four and a half minutes to fifteen seconds. We analyzed the data at two levels: strokes and geometric shape. In each, we create a model that captures both the style of the different artists and the process of abstraction. These models are then used for a portrait sketch synthesis application. Starting from a novel face photograph, we can synthesize a sketch in the various artistic styles and in different levels of abstraction.


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