Nina Yankowitz

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  • United States of America



  • Yankowitz was the artist and director on a game design team whose installations & interactive games expand belief systems & climate change challenges. Exhibits include: Global Warming Bursting Seams Museum Quarter Vienna, MOMA Kiev, Ukraine, National Academy Museum NYC, Katonah Museum NY, MOMA PS.1 Queens, NY, The Indianapolis Museum of Art, Kunsthaus, Hamburg Germany, Ronald Feldman Fine Arts NYC, Whitney Museum Biennial NYC, CloudHouse Saatchi NYC. Some collaborative games in Crossings, Thessaloniki Biennale, Greece. Criss~Crossing The Divine interactive exhibit & robotic sculptures Guild Hall Museum, NY, Saatchi NYC, The Third Woman Interactive Film/Games Galapagos ArtSpace Brooklyn & Vienna Under-ground Thessaloniki Biennale, Interactive Truth Or Consequences, ISEA2012 New Mexico. Press includes Art Forum, Art News, New York Times, Art Press France, Wall Street Journal. Awards Include: Ford, NEA, Pollack Krasner, American Academy in Rome Visiting Artist.

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