“Wasserstein Blue Noise Sampling” by Qin, Chen, He and Chen

  • ©Hongxing Qin, Yi Chen, Jinlong He, and Baoquan Chen




    Wasserstein Blue Noise Sampling

Session/Category Title:   Random Sampling




    In this article, we present a multi-class blue noise sampling algorithm by throwing samples as the constrained Wasserstein barycenter of multiple density distributions. Using an entropic regularization term, a constrained transport plan in the optimal transport problem is provided to break the partition required by the previous Capacity-Constrained Voronoi Tessellation method. The entropic regularization term cannot only control spatial regularity of blue noise sampling, but it also reduces conflicts between the desired centroids of Vornoi cells for multi-class sampling. Moreover, the adaptive blue noise property is guaranteed for each individual class, as well as their combined class. Our method can be easily extended to multi-class sampling on a point set surface. We also demonstrate applications in object distribution and color stippling.


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