“Fast Weather Simulation for Inverse Procedural Design of 3D Urban Models”

  • ©Daniel G. Aliaga, Ignacio Garcia-Dorado, Prashanth Bhalachandran, Paul Schmid, and Dev Niyogi




    Fast Weather Simulation for Inverse Procedural Design of 3D Urban Models

Session/Category Title:   Simulation for Virtual Worlds




    We present the first realistic, physically based, fully coupled, real-time weather design tool for use in urban procedural modeling. We merge designing of a 3D urban model with a controlled long-lasting spatiotemporal interactive simulation of weather. Starting from the fundamental dynamical equations similar to those used in state-of-the-art weather models, we present a novel simplified urban weather model for interactive graphics. Control of physically based weather phenomena is accomplished via an inverse modeling methodology. In our results, we present several scenarios of forward design, inverse design with high-level and detailed-level weather control and optimization, and comparisons of our method against well-known weather simulation results and systems.


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