“Multi-scale vorticle fluids”

  • ©Alexis Angelidis




    Multi-scale vorticle fluids

Session/Category Title:   Fluids II




    We present a multi-scale method for simulating incompressible gases in 3-dimensions with resolution variation suitable for perspective cameras and regions of importance. The dynamics is derived from the vorticity equation. Lagrangian particles are created, modified and deleted in a manner that handles advection with buoyancy and viscosity. Boundaries and deformable object collisions are modeled with the source and doublet panel method. Our acceleration structure is based on the FMM (Fast Multipole Method), but with a varying size to account for non-uniform sampling. Because the dynamics of our method is voxel free, we can freely specify the voxel resolution of the output density and velocity while keeping the main shapes and timing.


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