“Learning to Schedule Control Fragments for Physics-Based Characters Using Deep Q-Learning” by Liu and Hodgins

  • ©Libin Liu and Jessica K. Hodgins




    Learning to Schedule Control Fragments for Physics-Based Characters Using Deep Q-Learning

Session/Category Title:   Learning to Move




    Given a robust control system, physical simulation offers the potential for interactive human characters that move in realistic and responsive ways. In this article, we describe how to learn a scheduling scheme that reorders short control fragments as necessary at runtime to create a control system that can respond to disturbances and allows steering and other user interactions. These schedulers provide robust control of a wide range of highly dynamic behaviors, including walking on a ball, balancing on a bongo board, skateboarding, running, push-recovery, and breakdancing. We show that moderate-sized Q-networks can model the schedulers for these control tasks effectively and that those schedulers can be efficiently learned by the deep Q-learning algorithm.


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