“Animation on a satellite graphics system” by Sowar

  • ©Richard M. Sowar




    Animation on a satellite graphics system



    Although animation processing capability can be extremely valuable in certain graphics programs, its application is generally limited to users of stand alone, single user graphics systems. This paper describes an organization of software which enables a host program to define and control animations for an intelligent satellite graphics system. The discussion centers around the particular system on which it was implemented, but the technique should be general enough to have wide application. The results have significantly enhanced the operating characteristics of programs in the host-satellite environment.


    1. Griffith Hamlin, Jr., James D. Foley, Configurable applications for graphics employing satellites (CAGES), Proc. of the second annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques-SIGGRAPH’75, vol 9, no. 1, July 1975, 9-19. Google ScholarDigital Library
    2. Richard M. Sowar, Interactive computer graphics on CREATE, unpublished technical report, SLTR 1-74, School of Systems and Logistics, Air Force Institute of Technology (AU), 1974.Google Scholar

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