Carol O’Sullivan

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Trinity College Dublin, Graphics Vision and Visualisation Group, Associate Professor


  • SIGGRAPH 2009

    Carol O’Sullivan is an Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. Her research interests include perception, animation, virtual humans and crowds. She has been a member of many IPCs, including the Eurographics and SIGGRAPH papers committee and has published over 100 papers in graphics, especially animation and perception. She is the programme co-chair of the SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization 2009, co-Editor in Chief of ACM Transactions on Applied Perception and an editorial board member of IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications. Amongst other conferences, she co-chaired Eurographics’05 in Dublin and SCA’06: Symposium on Computer Animation in Vienna.   

Learning Category: Jury Member:

Learning Category: Presentation(s):

Learning Category: Moderator:


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