William (Bill) L. Hibbard

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • University of Wisconsin Madison, Researcher

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Scientist


  • Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1998

    Bill Hibbard is a scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the principal author of the 4-D MclDAS system, Vis5D, and VisAD. The 4D MclDAS system begun in 1984 is an early effort to apply three dimensional animated graphics to earth science data. The Vis5D system extended this in 1988 to interactive 3-D animations of numerical weather simulations using high-performance graphics workstations. The VisAD system provides interactive steering and visualization of general scientific computations. The Vis5D and VisAD systems are freely available over the Internet Vis5D is used as a medium for distributing 3D environmental simulations over the Web. Dr. Hibbard is currently rewriting VisAD in Java in order to support distributed computation and visualization over the Web.

    SIGGRAPH 1996

    Bill Hibbard is a Scientist at the Space Science and Engineering Center of the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is the principal author of the 4-D McIDAS system, Vis5D and VisAD. The 4-D McIDAS system, begun in 1984, is an early effort to apply three-dimensional animated graphics to earth science data. The Vis5D system, available by anonymous ftp, extended this in 1988 to  interactive 3-D animations of numerical weather simulations, using high- performance graphics workstations. The VisAD system provides interactive  visualization of scientific algorithms, through a technique for deriving graphical depictions for algorithm data types. The Vis5D and VisAD systems have been adapted to run in distributed computing environments.   

    SIGGRAPH 1995

    Bill Hibbard is the principal author of the 4-D MclDAS system, VIS-SD and VIS-AD. The 4-D McIDAS system, begun in 1984, is an early effort to apply three-dimensional animated graphics to earth science data. The VIS-SD system, available by anonymous ftp, extended this in 1988 to interactive 3-D animations of numerical weather simulations, using high-performance graphics workstations. The VIS-AD system provides interactive visualization of scientific algorithms, through a technique for deriving graphical depictions for algorithm data types. The VIS-SD and VIS-AD systems have been adapted to run in distributed computing environments.

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Bill Hibbard is a researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC). He has been working with earth science data since 1978. In 1984 he began adapting SSEC’s McIDAS system to generate three-dimensional animations of a wide variety of earth science data. In 1988 this work evolved into the VIS-50 system running on high-performance graphics workstations and providing interactive exploration of large numerical simulation data sets. VIS-50 is available by anonymous ftp and has become very widely used by atmosphere and ocean modellers. Bill also developed the VIS-GI software for exploring global satellite data sets, and initiated the effort to port the enormous MciDAS system to UNIX workstations. More recently, he has led the development of the VIS-AD system for interactive algorithm visualization, and has led development of distributed versions of VIS-50 and VIS-AD.

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    Mr. Hibbard received a BA in Mathematics in 1970 and an M.S. in Computer Sciences in 1974 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has been at the Space Science and Engineering Center since 1978, working with real-time data acquisition, image processing and visualization. Mr. Hibbard has been the principal investigator for the development of the 4-D McIDAS and VIS-5D systems for managing and visualizing large earth science data sets, and of the VIS-AD system for developing and visualizing scientific algorithms. VIS-5D and VIS-AD are being extended to a distributed environment as part of the BLANCA Testbed of the Gigabit Testbed project.  




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