Romero Tori

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Escola Politécnica de Universidade de São Paulo, Centro Universitário SENAC


  • Romero Tori is Associate Professor at University of Sao Paulo (USP), a Full Professor at SENAC University, and general manager of Interlab (Interactive Technologies Laboratory) at USP. Romero was one of the pioneers in researching Computer Graphics in Brazil, and he’s been teaching Computer Graphics in computer engineering undergraduate and graduate programs since 1984. Romero’s approach for teaching computer graphics is based on game technology and in customized software tools, including a Java 3D game engine, called “enJine”, and an interactive learning tool, called “Interlab 3D”, both of them developed at his research lab. Recently Romero was the General Chair of VII Symposium on Virtual Reality and the Program Chair of WJogos (Brazilian Game Technology Symposium).

    Romero has a long term experience on teaching Computer Graphics (CG) to both Computer Science and Computer Engineering Programs, covering undergraduate and graduate levels. At each new release of our CG courses more and more interest in game technology has been showed by our students. By year 2000, he decided to incorporate game development as experimental activities in an introductory CG course. More recently he developed a special didactic game engine based on Java 3D (TORI, 2006) as a support tool for lab classes. He also have been studying the possibilities of motivational and multidisciplinary natural characteristics of game development to support and integrate undergraduate courses in a more complex and compelling experimental project (FERREIRA, 2002). In this panel he will be discussing some issues and benefits regarding using game as didactic tool for teaching computer graphics, as well as how can permeate game technology and projects through Computer Science Syllabi.


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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