Maureen C. Stone

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Xerox Corp, Palo Alto Research Center, Independent Consultant

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • StoneSoup Consulting


  • SIGGRAPH 2022

    Maureen Stone is most recently the Director of Research at Tableau Software, and has a long career of contributions in both theoretical and applied contexts. She is perhaps best known for her expertise in digital color and its applications, but has broad experience in digital design, interactive graphics and user interface design. She began her career working on projects related to the then new fields of desktop publishing, digital document design and digital printing, pivoting to the exploding domain of data visualization and the design of techniques, tools and representations focused on the interaction between human cognition and visual design. She is the author of the seminal book A Field Guide to Digital Colour and of numerous papers addressing how humans process and interact with visual representations from both theoretical and applied perspectives.

    SIGGRAPH 1999

    Maureen Stone is an independent consultant working in the areas of digital color, web graphics, interaction and design. Before founding StoneSoup Consulting, she spent 20 years at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center where she attained the position of Principal Scientist. She has over 30 published papers plus 10 patents on topics including digital color, user interface technology and computer graphics. She has taught in SIGGRAPH digital color courses organized by William Cowan (SIGGRAPH ’89) and Charles Poynton (SIGGRAPH ’97). She has a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, and a MS in Computer Science from Caltech.  

    SIGGRAPH 1989

    Maureen C. Stone is a member of the research staff in the Electronic Documents Laboratory at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, where she has worked for the last  10 years. Her professional interests are color, color reproduction, spline curves and interactive graphics. She recently spent six months on sabbatical leave at the computer Graphics Laboratory at the University of Waterloo.  

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