Sue Gollifer

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • University of Brighton, ISEA International Headquarters, School of Media, Principle Lecturer


  • Brighton, United Kingdom



  • A pioneer of early computer art, Sue has continuously explored the relationship between technology and the arts and has written extensively on this subject. Her primary research is on ‘the impact of new technology within the practice of Fine Art’ and ‘Art and Science’.

    She is an ICT and Art Connect Expert panel member for the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation EU European Science & Technology; EU- funded project- FEAT- Future Emerging Art and Technology 2016 – Advisory Board, and the EU- funded project- START- Appointed by the European Commission, Ars Electronica in cooperation with BOZAR and Waag Society 2017- Prize Advisor; The Assistant Editor of ‘Digital Creativity’, published by Taylor Francis and Routledge, and Editor of accompanying ‘Art Space; Editor of ‘TRACEY’, an electronic journal dedicated to the presentation of drawing and a Leonardo – Manuscript reviewer . A Board member for the Computer Art Society (CAS) and the ACM Siggraph Digital Arts Community (DAC). The ACM SIGGRAPH Chair of the ‘Distinguished Artist Award for the lifetime achievement in digital art’.

    Sue has recently exhibited her work in the UK, 2017 in an Exhibition of ‘Pioneering Women Artists’ working in the Field of Digital Art – Technology Is Not Neutral. Most recently as at LCB Depot, Leicester amd Phoenix Brightonas part of the Computer Art Society – CAS50 Exhibition 50 years and more of computer-generated art92019) .

    She has been the instigator and the curator of a number of other International Digital Art Exhibitions including, ArCade, the UK Open International Biennale Exhibition, of Digital Fine Art Prints 1995 – 2007 and the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery Exhibition’04: Synaesthesia and the “Intuition and Ingenuity” art exhibition to celebrate the Alan Turing Centenary 2012 and the William Latham Exhibition Mutator 1 & 2 as part of Brighton Digital Festival 2013. The Creativity and Cognition 2015 Exhibition Glasgow June 2015 and the Curator of the British Human Computer Interface Conference 2016 at Bournemouth University, UK, Fusions- ‘Performing Interaction: Space, Place and Time’.

    Currently she is the Director of ISEA International and ISEA (International Symposium on Electronic Art), which fosters and promotes high quality creative and academic work and exchange in art, science, and emergent technologies through its nomadic, annual international interdisciplinary symposia hosted by a different country every year.

    Of paramount importance is to encourage and promote creative interchange between diverse cross-generational groups and to acknowledge different backgrounds, cultures, perspectives, practices and experiences that contribute to the advancement of art, science and emergent technologies.

    She has made valuable worldwide contacts through her activities, and has contributed to the development of an international community of artists and scholars with a shared interest in new technology. In 2006 she was awarded an iDMAa Award, The International Digital Media Arts Award for her ‘Exceptional Services to the International New Media Community’.

Art Show Organizing Committee Chair:

Exhibition Committee Member:

Art Show Organizing Committee Member:

Art Show Custom Committee Member:

Exhibition Category: Jury Member:

Art Jury Member:

Experience Category: Jury Member:

Art Reviewer:



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