Rich Ehlers

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Evans and Sutherland Computer Corporation, _Director


  • SIGGRAPH 1998

    Rich Ehlers is Director of Graphics Software Desktop Graphics at Evans & Sutherland. He has been a technical contributor and technical lead at E&S since 1982. He led the investigation beginning in 1993 into the feasibility of putting graphics technology on the PC and has since directed NT software driver development. Prior to work on the PC he managed software development for the E&S Freedom scenes on Sun workstations, represented E&S on the PHIGS committee and was one of the original PHIGS architects and worked on the software microcode and performance enhancements of numerous E&S graphics products. He holds a BA in CS and Physics from Luther College and an MS in Computer Science from Purdue University. He taught at a SIGGRAPH course in 1995 has served on the SIGGRAPH Course Committee (1968, 90, 92, 94) and has served as SIGGRAPH Courses Chair (1991 93).  


Learning Category: Organizing Committee Chair:

Course Organizer:

Learning Category: Organizing Committee Member:

Learning Category: Jury Member:

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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