“Frontiers Workshop: The Esports Frontier: Rendering, Interaction and Display” by Watson, Spjut, Lee and Ward

  • ©Benjamin Watson, Josef Spjut, Byungjoo Lee, and Gregory J. Ward



Interest Area:

    Game / Mobile and Research / Education


    Frontiers Workshop: The Esports Frontier: Rendering, Interaction and Display



    The history of computer graphics is dominated by the quest for photorealism. Yet esports gamers have not benefited from the results, regularly turning off all visual effects to maximize frame rate. How can the SIGGRAPH community better support the expert performance esports athletes seek? This is not an idle question: esports now rivals traditional sports in both viewership and revenue, and is already driving demand for new, high-performance displays and mice. This workshop will examine the challenges involved in finding the answers, including innovation in display, rendering and interaction.


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