“Automatic Machine Knitting of 3D Meshes” by Narayanan, Albaugh, Hodgins, Coros and McCann

  • ©Vidya Narayanan, Lea Albaugh, Jessica K. Hodgins, Stelian Coros, and James (Jaimy) McCann




    Automatic Machine Knitting of 3D Meshes

Session/Category Title:   Textiles & Microstructures




    We present the first computational approach that can transform three-dimensional (3D) meshes, created by traditional modeling programs, directly into instructions for a computer-controlled knitting machine. Knitting machines are able to robustly and repeatably form knitted 3D surfaces from yarn but have many constraints on what they can fabricate. Given user-defined starting and ending points on an input mesh, our system incrementally builds a helix-free, quad-dominant mesh with uniform edge lengths, runs a tracing procedure over this mesh to generate a knitting path, and schedules the knitting instructions for this path in a way that is compatible with machine constraints. We demonstrate our approach on a wide range of 3D meshes.


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