“Applications of Visual Perception to Virtual Reality Rendering” by Kim, Zannoli, Koulieris, Wetzstein and Steinicke

  • ©Joohwan Kim, Marina Zannoli, George Alex Koulieris, Gordon Wetzstein, and Frank Steinicke



Entry Number: 01


    Applications of Visual Perception to Virtual Reality Rendering

Course Organizer(s):



    Familiarity with stereo graphics and modern graphics pipelines.


    Who Should Attend
    Developers, researchers and students interested in mixed-reality graphics

    Over the past few years, virtual reality (VR) has transitioned from the realm of expensive research prototypes and military installations into widely available consumer devices. But the high pixel counts and frame rates of current commodity devices more than double the rendering costs of 1920×1080 gaming, and next-generation HMDs could easily double or triple costs again. As a result, VR experiences are limited in visual quality, performance, and other capabilities. Human visual perception is critical to creating immersion while keeping up with increasing performance requirements, so an understanding of visual perception and its applications in real-time VR graphics is vital for HMD designers, application developers, and content creators. This course begins with an overview of the importance of human perception in current virtual-reality technologies. It includes analysis of the key characteristics of the human visual system and the psychophysical methods used to study its properties. After establishing the perceptual groundwork, it presents three case studies outlining the applications of human perception to improving the performance, quality, and applicability of VR graphics. It concludes with a discussion of important future work and open challenges in perceptual VR, and a Q&A session for more in-depth audience interaction.

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