“Procedural Feature Generation for Volumetric Terrains” by Dey, Doig and Gatzidis

  • ©Rahul Dey, Jason G. Doig, and Christos Gatzidis

  • ©Rahul Dey, Jason G. Doig, and Christos Gatzidis

  • ©Rahul Dey, Jason G. Doig, and Christos Gatzidis



Entry Number: 64


    Procedural Feature Generation for Volumetric Terrains



    In this work we present separate procedural methods to generate features that are found in natural terrains which are difficult to reproduce with heightmap-based methods. We approximate overhangs, arches and caves using procedural functions and a reduced set of parameters. This produces visually plausible terrain feature topologies as well as a high degree of artistic control. Our approach is more intuitive and art-directable than other existing volumetric methods that are more complex to integrate into existing voxel engines, due to the framework changes necessary, or rely on automatic procedural generation, thus reducing the ability to provide creative input.



    We thank the EPSRC-funded Centre of Digital Entertainment project (EP/G037736/1) and Sony Interactive Entertainment Euro R&D for their support plus NVIDIA Corporation for hardware donations.


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