“Lighting and rendering Alice in Wonderland” by Martinez and Tornberg

  • ©Adam Martinez and Terrance Tornberg




    Lighting and rendering Alice in Wonderland



    Recent films such as Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, 2012 and Alice in Wonderland (Alice) have represented dramatic changes in the way Sony Pictures Imageworks produces imagery. We have moved away from the traditional biased, multi-pass rendering system to a largely single-pass, global illumination system incorporating modern ray-tracing and physically based shading techniques. We will discuss how these changes applied to our work on Alice, and look at specific examples from the film. Topics discussed will include: motivations behind moving to a physically based rendering system and how such motivations would ideally manifest, micro-facet illumination models, global illumination and layered materials. We will talk about the impact of these developments on our creative approach and lighting procedures in production, as well as some of the unintended consequences of these changes.


    1. {WALTER07} Walter, B., Marschner, S. R., Li, H., and Torrance, K. E. Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces. In Rendering Techniques (Proc. EG Symposium on Rendering). (2007)
    2. {VEACH97} Eric Veach Robust Monte Carlo Methods for Light Transport Simulation, Stanford University, (1997)

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