Douglas Scott Kay

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Industrial Light & Magic, Senior Manager


  • SIGGRAPH 1993

    Douglas S. Kay is the Senior Manager of the Computer Graphics/Digital Department at Industrial Light  & Magic. Since Joining ILM in 1985 he has been involved in the production of a variety of films including Willow, Young Sherlock Holmes Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and the Academy Award winning The Abyss and Terminator 2 as well as the Star Tours and Body Wars rides for Disneyland and Epcot Center. He has also contributed to a number of award winning television commercials. He received a B S in Computer Science and a M S in Computer Graphics from Cornell University.

    SIGGRAPH 1990

    Doug is the computer graphics department technical manager. He has contributed to a number of motion picture projects including Star Trek IV, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and The Abyss. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a Master of Science degree in Computer Graphics from Cornell University.  


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