“Veiling glare in high dynamic range imaging” by Talvala, Adams, Horowitz and Levoy

  • ©Eino-Ville Talvala, Andrew Adams, Mark Horowitz, and Marc Levoy




    Veiling glare in high dynamic range imaging



    The ability of a camera to record a high dynamic range image, whether by taking one snapshot or a sequence, is limited by the presence of veiling glare – the tendency of bright objects in the scene to reduce the contrast everywhere within the field of view. Veiling glare is a global illumination effect that arises from multiple scattering of light inside the camera’s body and lens optics. By measuring separately the direct and indirect components of the intra-camera light transport, one can increase the maximum dynamic range a particular camera is capable of recording. In this paper, we quantify the presence of veiling glare and related optical artifacts for several types of digital cameras, and we describe two methods for removing them: deconvolution by a measured glare spread function, and a novel direct-indirect separation of the lens transport using a structured occlusion mask. In the second method, we selectively block the light that contributes to veiling glare, thereby attaining significantly higher signal-to-noise ratios than with deconvolution. Finally, we demonstrate our separation method for several combinations of cameras and realistic scenes.


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