“Transient Photon Beams” by Marco, Jarosz, Gutierrez and Jarabo

  • ©Julio Marco, Wojciech Jarosz, Diego Gutierrez, and Adrian Jarabo

  • ©Julio Marco, Wojciech Jarosz, Diego Gutierrez, and Adrian Jarabo

  • ©Julio Marco, Wojciech Jarosz, Diego Gutierrez, and Adrian Jarabo



Entry Number: 52


    Transient Photon Beams



    Recent advances on transient imaging and their applications have opened the necessity of forward models that allow precise generation and analysis of time-resolved light transport data. However, traditional steady-state rendering techniques are not suitable for computing transient light transport due to the aggravation of inherent Monte Carlo variance over time, specially problematic in participating media. We address this problem by presenting the first photon-based method for transient rendering of participating media that performs density estimations on time-resolved precomputed photon maps. We first introduce the transient integral form of the radiative transfer equation into the computer graphics community, including transient delays on the scattering events. Based on this formulation we leverage the high density and parameterized continuity provided by photon beams algorithms to present a new transient method that allows to significantly mitigate variance and efficiently render participating media effects in transient state.



    This research has been funded by by DARPA (project REVEAL), an ERC Consolidator Grant (project CHAMELEON), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects TIN2016-78753- P and TIN2016-79710-P), and the Gobierno de Aragón.


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