“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – Jedha Destruction” by Moloney, Haydock, Puchala and Senent

  • ©Ciaran Moloney, Jamie Haydock, Mathew Puchala, and Miguel Perez Senent

  • ©Ciaran Moloney, Jamie Haydock, Mathew Puchala, and Miguel Perez Senent

  • ©Ciaran Moloney, Jamie Haydock, Mathew Puchala, and Miguel Perez Senent



Entry Number: 09


    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Jedha Destruction



    The Jedha sequence involved a colossal wave of destruction emanating from the epicenter of the Death Star attack on the planet Jedha. At ILM London, our task was to carefully plan the evolution of planet scale destruction from initial impact to final escape. Tectonic sized plates of rock, earth and sand had to rise up into the sky and form a wave 30,000 feet high. To achieve this we created a wide range of elements using well established ILM workflows. The scale of the scenes and simulations also meant that new workflows needed to be developed and the setups needed to be efficiently art directable.



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