“Mobile media for large-scale sporting events” by Glotzbach

  • ©Ronald J. Glotzbach




    Mobile media for large-scale sporting events



    Mobile devices have evolved into complex, miniature information management systems capable of functioning as a phone, day planner, music player, video player, contact list, digital camera, web browser, and more combined into a device. As mobile devices continue to evolve, new and innovative approaches to using them ensue, such as information-packed applications that are also designed to entertain or amuse the user. One successful example of these infotainment applications is Purdue football e-Stadium. E-Stadium has garnered significant media attention by delivering interactive content that users want to receive during live-game attendance. Students, faculty, and staff have worked together for the 2005-2006 season to implement many new features, releasing one new feature at each home game of the ’05-’06 season. It has been recognized by The Exponent as, “the ultimate football experience,” (2005) and gained further exposure in a PurdueSports.com article, e-Stadium: Fans have the game in the palms of their hands (2005) and a Cedar Rapids Gazette article, Hold a Jumbotron in palm of hand (2005).


    1. Brummett, M. (2005, November 1). Wireless technology allows fans access to sports world. The Exponent. Retrieved January 5, 2006, from http://www.purdueexponent.org/index.php/module/Issue/action/Article/article_id/1625
    2. ESPN and Sprint join forces. (2004, December 1). ESPN.com. Retrieved January 5, 2006, from http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/mobile/release
    3. e-Stadium: Fans have the game in the palms of their hands. (2005, September 30). PurdueSports.com. Retrieved January 5, 2006, from purduesports.collegesports.com/genrel/093005aad.html
    4. Hlas, M. (2005, October 8). Hold a Jumbotron in palm of hand. Cedar Rapids Gazette, pp. II, 5I.
    5. NFL unplugged: Sprint launches NFL mobile. (2005, October 11). NFL.com. Retrieved January 5, 2006, from http://www.nfl.com/news/story/8953854
    6. Park, R. (2005). ESPN mobile soon to launch. iMedia Communications Inc. Retrieved January 5, 2006, from http://www.imediaconnection.com/news/7590.asp
    7. VCAST: How it works. (2006). Retrieved January 5, 2006, from http://getitnow.vzwshop.com/index. aspx?id=vcast_technology

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