“Future Cast System” by Morishima, Maejima, Wemler, Machida and Takebayashi

  • ©Shigeo Morishima, Akinobu Maejima, Shuhei Wemler, Tamotsu Machida, and Masao Takebayashi




    Future Cast System

Session/Category Title:   Tangible/Ambient



    Most likely, everyone has gone through dreaming of acting a hero in the movie. The system called “Future Case System”(FCS) is a new entertainment system that is easily able to accomplish that dream. FCS has been implemented in MITSUI TOSHIBA pavilion at Expo 2005 Aichi Japan first in the world. This attraction is to allow 240 theater attendances to have a role of the movie they are watching. Comparing FCS with Previous Attraction Systems (PASs), PASs provide the visual information to visitors one-sidedly. On the other hand, since attendances’ faces come out on the screen, they can feel as if they are acting in the movie. This is the main idea of FCS and makes attendances’ feeling of immersion increase.

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