“Extended diffuse reflection model for reflectance estimation” by Baba, Hiramatsu, Mukunoki and Asada

  • ©Masashi Baba, Junya Hiramatsu, Masayuki Mukunoki, and Naoki Asada

  • ©Masashi Baba, Junya Hiramatsu, Masayuki Mukunoki, and Naoki Asada




    Extended diffuse reflection model for reflectance estimation



    Reflectance properties play an important roll in generating realistic images and a lot of research has been done to determine the reflectance of real objects from images[Sato et al. 1997]. In the process of the estimation, the Lambertian model is commonly used to estimate the diffuse reflection of real objects. However, this model could not represent the diffuse reflection properly[Oren and Nayar 1994]. In this paper, we propose a new diffuse reflection model which can represent the diffuse reflection of real objects. Our proposed model is very simple and can be used for estimating reflectance of real objects.


    1. Oren, M., and Nayar, S. K. 1994. Generalization of lambert’s reflectance model. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 94, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 239–246.
    2. Sato, Y., Wheeler, M. D., and Ikeuchi, K. 1997. Object shape and reflectance modeling from observation. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 97, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 379–388.

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©Masashi Baba, Junya Hiramatsu, Masayuki Mukunoki, and Naoki Asada ©Masashi Baba, Junya Hiramatsu, Masayuki Mukunoki, and Naoki Asada

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