“The Hand as a Shading Probe” by Yao, Kawamura and Kojima

  • ©Yasuhiro Yao, Harumi Kawamura, and Akira Kojima

  • ©Yasuhiro Yao, Harumi Kawamura, and Akira Kojima



Entry Number: 101


    The Hand as a Shading Probe



    To render computer graphics (CG) objects realistically in the real world, it is important to match their shadings to the scene. Existing methods to achieve such realism are not applicable to realtime consumer augmented reality (AR). Debevec’s method requires a mirrored sphere, which ordinary consumers do not have [Debevec 1998]. Karsh’s method requires user annotation, which makes it difficult to use in a realtime application [Karsch et al. 2011].


    1. Debevec, P. 1998. Rendering synthetic objects into real scenes: bridging traditional and image-based graphics with global illumination and high dynamic range photography. In SIGGRAPH ’98, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 189–198.
    2. Karsch, K., Hedau, V., Forsyth, D., and Hoiem, D. 2011. Rendering synthetic objects into legacy photographs. ACM Trans. Graph. 30, 6 (Dec), 157:1–157:12.
    3. Ramamoorthi, R., and Hanrahan, P. 2001. An efficient representation for irradiance environment maps. In SIGGRAPH ’01, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 497–500.
    4. Yao, Y., Kawamura, H., and Kojima, A. 2012. Shading derivation from an unspecified object for augmented reality. In ICPR ’12, IAPR, 57–60.


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