“View Interpolation for Video See-Through Head-Mounted Display” by Lai, Han and Hung

  • ©Chun-Jui Lai, Ping-Hsuan Han, and Yi-Ping Hung

  • ©Chun-Jui Lai, Ping-Hsuan Han, and Yi-Ping Hung

  • ©Chun-Jui Lai, Ping-Hsuan Han, and Yi-Ping Hung



Entry Number: 34


    View Interpolation for Video See-Through Head-Mounted Display



    By using the head-mounted display (HMD), we can have an immersive virtual reality experience. But the user cannot see any information from the real world. To solve the problem, video seethrough HMD can acquire images from real environment, and present into the HMD, then, we could build a mixed reality (MR) or augmented reality (AR) system. However, how to append and calibrate cameras on HMD for recovering real environment is still a research issue. HTC VIVE has a single camera in front of its device. [Steptoe et al. 2014] and OVRVISION Pro proposed to append dual cameras to capture left and right images. Due to the difference of viewpoint, images captured by cameras are different to what human eyes see (figure 2). Although we could recover true 3D information with a depth map, there are still some occlusion areas that we cannot recover by single camera. Therefore, multiple cameras with different positions could complement each other for reducing occlusion areas. In this work, four configurations are simulated with a synthesized scene.


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©Chun-Jui Lai, Ping-Hsuan Han, and Yi-Ping Hung ©Chun-Jui Lai, Ping-Hsuan Han, and Yi-Ping Hung


    This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, and Intel Corporation under Grants MOST 105-2633-E-002-001 and NTU-105R104045, and by the Ministry of Science and Technology under Grants MOST 104-2627-E-002 -001.


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