“Fractals: Introduction Basics and Application” Chaired by Dietmar Saupe

  • ©Dietmar Saupe, Benoit B. Mandelbrot, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, and Richard F. Voss



Entry Number: 08


    Fractals: Introduction Basics and Application

Course Organizer(s):



    Complete implementation details will be provided, e.g. we discuss algorithms and pseudo code for the generation of Gaussian random numbers, of height fields with prescribed fractal dimension and of the 3D rendering of such height fields including colors and shading, all of which constitute the ingredients for a complete fractal surface generation and display package.


    • lntroduction to fractals / B. Mandelbrot
      • History of fractals
      • Displacement methods from Greek geometry to modem variants
      • Landscapes with rivers and mountains
    • Fractals in nature: From characterization to simulation / R. Voss
      • Coastlines, mountains and clouds
      • Self-similarity and dimension
      • Generation of the Fractal Planet
      • Mathematical models
    • Algorithms for random fractals / D. Saupe
      • Spatial methods and spectral synthesis
      • Rendering aspects
      • Simple implementation package
    • Lindenmayer systems, fractals and plants / P. Prusinkiewicz
      • String rewriting systems and geometric turtle interpretation
      • Modelling of classical fractal curves
      • Modelling of branching structures of plants
    • Dynamical systems and fractals/ H.-O. Peitgen
      • Basics of fractal basin boundaries
      • Algorithms for Mandelbrot and Julia sets
      • Iterated function systems
      • Animation

Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

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