Diane Vetere: Conflagration

  • ©2002, Diane Vetere





Creation Year:



    12 in x 30 in


Artist Statement:

    Hmmm … It could be a painting but then again, maybe it’s not. With Photoshop and a few favourite third-party plug-ins, I can achieve effects that are very painterly and yet intriguingly not. At first, I tried to emulate natural media, but now I try to blur the line between something that seems to be created on canvas or paper with paint, and something obviously created on a computer. My inks, and the papers I choose to print on, are very much a part of the process, and the final piece for me is always the final print, even though the image was created completely on the computer. There are always subtleties in the printed piece that just are not visible on the computer screen. That final surprise is the payoff for me.