“Walk on Stars: A Grid-Free Monte Carlo Method for PDEs with Neumann Boundary Conditions” by Sawhney, Miller, Gkioulekas and Crane

  • ©Rohan Sawhney, Bailey Miller, Ioannis Gkioulekas, and Keenan Crane




    Walk on Stars: A Grid-Free Monte Carlo Method for PDEs with Neumann Boundary Conditions

Session/Category Title:   Pushing the Boundaries




    Grid-free Monte Carlo methods based on the walk on spheres (WoS) algorithm solve fundamental partial differential equations (PDEs) like the Poisson equation without discretizing the problem domain or approximating functions in a finite basis. Such methods hence avoid aliasing in the solution, and evade the many challenges of mesh generation. Yet for problems with complex geometry, practical grid-free methods have been largely limited to basic Dirichlet boundary conditions. We introduce the walk on stars (WoSt) algorithm, which solves linear elliptic PDEs with arbitrary mixed Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. The key insight is that one can efficiently simulate reflecting Brownian motion (which models Neumann conditions) by replacing the balls used by WoS with star-shaped domains. We identify such domains via the closest point on the visibility silhouette, by simply augmenting a standard bounding volume hierarchy with normal information. Overall, WoSt is an easy modification of WoS, and retains the many attractive features of grid-free Monte Carlo methods such as progressive and view-dependent evaluation, trivial parallelization, and sublinear scaling to increasing geometric detail.


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