“Animated Mesh Approximation With Sphere-Meshes” by Zhou, Grinspun, Zorin and Jacobson

  • ©Jean-Marc Thiery, Emilie Guy, Tamy Boubekeur, and Elmar Eisemann




    Animated Mesh Approximation With Sphere-Meshes

Session/Category Title:   GEOMETRY




    Performance capture systems are used to acquire high-quality animated 3D surfaces, usually in form of a dense 3D triangle mesh. Extracting a more compact yet faithful representation is often desirable, but existing solutions for animated sequences are surface based, which leads to a limited approximation power in the case of extreme simplification. We introduce animated sphere-meshes, which are meshes indexing a set of animated spheres. Our solution is the first to output an animated volumetric structure to approximate animated 3D surfaces and optimizes for the sphere approximation, connectivity, and temporal coherence. As a result, our algorithm produces a multiresolution structure from which a level of simplification can be selected in real time, preserving a faithful approximation of the input, even at the coarsest levels. We demonstrate the use of animated sphere-meshes for low-cost approximate collision detection. Additionally, we propose a skinning decomposition, which automatically rigs the input mesh to the chosen level of detail. The resulting set of weights are smooth, compress the animation, and enable easy edits.


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