“A device-independent network graphics system” by Cahn and Yen

  • ©Deborah (Debbie) U. Cahn and Albert C. Yen




    A device-independent network graphics system



    The design and implementation of a basic graphics system for a heterogeneous network environment is described. The design has been influenced by the SIGGRAPH Core System, GKS, and proposals being considered by the ANSI Technical Committee on Computer Graphics Programming Languages. It permits hierarchical object definition, direct and indirect attribute specification, screen window management and complex styles of interaction. Important parts of the implementation include a device-independent database for graphical objects, a workstation driver which produces device code, and a device kernel which manages the display list. Problems relating to device independence and network partitioning are discussed.


    1. ANSI X3H31. Functional specification of the Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System. Working Document ANSI X3H31/82-45 (1982).]]
    2. Anson, E. The semantics of graphical input. Comput. Gr. (Proc. Siggraph ’79) 13, 2 (Aug. 1979), 113-120.]]
    3. Anson, E. The device model of interaction. Comput. Gr. (Proc. Siggraph ’82) 16, 3 (July 1982), 107-114.]]
    4. Benson, W.H. and Kitous, B. Interactive analysis and display of tabular data. Comput. Gr. (Proc. Siggraph ’77) 11, 2 (1977), 48-53.]]
    5. Buxton, W. Lexical and pragmatic considerations of input structures. Comput. Gr. 17, 1 (Jan. 1983), 31-37.]]
    6. Cahn, D. U., Johnston, W.E., and Yen, A.C. Network Graphics System Design Document, Version 1.0. Technical Report LBID-644, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (Nov. 1982).]]
    7. Foley, J.D. and Wenner, P.A. The George Washington University Core System implementation. Comput. Gr. (Proc. Siggraph ’81) 15, 3 (Aug. 1981), 123-132.]]
    8. Foley, J.D. and van Dam, A. Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics. Addison-Wesley (1982).]]
    9. GSPC (SIGGRAPH-ACM). Status Report of the Graphics Standards Planning Committee. Comput. Gr. 13, 3 (Aug. 1979).]]
    10. ISO. Graphical Kernel System (GKS): Functional Description. ISO TC97/SC5/WG2 N117 (Jan. 14, 1982).]]
    11. Johnston, N.E., Cahn, D.U., and Johnston, W.E. Grafpac. LBL Report UCID-8094, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley (Jan. 1979).]]
    12. Joy, W. et. al. 4.2 BSD System Manual. Draft Report, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley (Sept. 1982).]]
    13. O’Dell, M.D. The CSS programmer’s network semantic model. Internal Report, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (Nov. 1982).]]
    14. Postel, J. DoD Standard Internet Protocol. RFC 760, IEN 128, USC Information Sciences Institute (Jan. 1980).]]
    15. Postel, J. DoD Standard Transmission Control Protocol. RFC 761, IEN 128, USC Information Sciences Institute (Jan. 1980).]]
    16. Rosenthal, D.S.H. Managing graphical resources. Comput. Gr. 17, 1 (Jan. 1983), 38-45.]]
    17. van den Bos, J. Definition and use of higher-level graphics input tools. Comput. Gr. (Proc. Siggraph ’78) 12, 3 (Aug. 1978), 38-42.]]
    18. Wallace, V.L. The semantics of graphics input devices. Comput. Gr. 10, 1 (Spring 1976).]]
    19. Yen, A., Holmes, H., and Wood, P. Moving interactive thematic mapping from mainframe to mini: some design possibilities and development experience. Proc. International Symposium on Computer-Assisted Cartography (AUTO-CARTO IV), Vol. II (1979), 379-389.]]
    20. Yen, A.C. DI/DD Interface Proposal. Internal Report, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (Nov. 1980).]]

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