“Perspective-aware manipulation of portrait photos” by Fried, Shechtman, Goldman and Finkelstein

  • ©Ohad Fried, Eli Shechtman, Daniel (Dan) B. Goldman, and Adam Finkelstein




    Perspective-aware manipulation of portrait photos

Session/Category Title:   FACES & PORTRAITS




    This paper introduces a method to modify the apparent relative pose and distance between camera and subject given a single portrait photo. Our approach fits a full perspective camera and a parametric 3D head model to the portrait, and then builds a 2D warp in the image plane to approximate the effect of a desired change in 3D. We show that this model is capable of correcting objectionable artifacts such as the large noses sometimes seen in “selfies,” or to deliberately bring a distant camera closer to the subject. This framework can also be used to re-pose the subject, as well as to create stereo pairs from an input portrait. We show convincing results on both an existing dataset as well as a new dataset we captured to validate our method.


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