“Seamless visual sharing with color vision deficiencies”

  • ©Wuyao Shen, Xiangyu Mao, Xinghong Hu, and Tien-Tsin Wong




    Seamless visual sharing with color vision deficiencies

Session/Category Title:   DISPLAY SOFTWARE




    Approximately 250 million people suffer from color vision deficiency (CVD). They can hardly share the same visual content with normal-vision audiences. In this paper, we propose the first system that allows CVD and normal-vision audiences to share the same visual content simultaneously. The key that we can achieve this is because the ordinary stereoscopic display (non-autostereoscopic ones) offers users two visual experiences (with and without wearing stereoscopic glasses). By allocating one experience to CVD audiences and one to normal-vision audiences, we allow them to share. The core problem is to synthesize an image pair, that when they are presented binocularly, CVD audiences can distinguish the originally indistinguishable colors; and when it is in monocular presentation, normal-vision audiences cannot distinguish its difference from the original image. We solve the image-pair recoloring problem by optimizing an objective function that minimizes the color deviation for normal-vision audiences, and maximizes the color distinguishability and binocular fusibility for CVD audiences. Our method is extensively evaluated via multiple quantitative experiments and user studies. Convincing results are obtained in all our test cases.


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