“An adaptive point sampler on a regular lattice” by Ahmed, Niese, Huang and Deussen

  • ©Abdalla Ahmed, Till Niese, Hui Huang, and Oliver Deussen




    An adaptive point sampler on a regular lattice

Session/Category Title:   Random Sampling




    We present a framework to distribute point samples with controlled spectral properties using a regular lattice of tiles with a single sample per tile. We employ a word-based identification scheme to identify individual tiles in the lattice. Our scheme is recursive, permitting tiles to be subdivided into smaller tiles that use the same set of IDs. The corresponding framework offers a very simple setup for optimization towards different spectral properties. Small lookup tables are sufficient to store all the information needed to produce different point sets. For blue noise with varying densities, we employ the bit-reversal principle to recursively traverse sub-tiles. Our framework is also capable of delivering multi-class blue noise samples. It is well-suited for different sampling scenarios in rendering, including area-light sampling (uniform and adaptive), and importance sampling. Other applications include stippling and distributing objects.


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