“Topology-controlled reconstruction of multi-labelled domains from cross-sections” by Huang, Zou, Carr and Ju

  • ©Zhiyang Huang, Ming Zou, Nathan Carr, and Tao Ju




    Topology-controlled reconstruction of multi-labelled domains from cross-sections

Session/Category Title:   Reconstructing 3D Surfaces From Points, Lines, Images & Water




    In this work we present the first algorithm for reconstructing multi-labeled material interfaces the allows for explicit topology control. Our algorithm takes in a set of 2D cross-sectional slices (not necessarily parallel), each partitioned by a curve network into labeled regions representing different material types. For each label, the user has the option to constrain the number of connected components and genus. Our algorithm is able to not only produce a material interface that interpolates the curve networks but also simultaneously satisfy the topological requirements. Our key innovation is defining a space of topology-varying material interfaces, which extends the family of level sets in a scalar function, and developing discrete methods for sampling distinct topologies in this space. Besides specifying topological constraints, the user can steer the algorithm interactively, such as by scribbling. We demonstrate, on synthetic and biological shapes, how our algorithm opens up new opportunities for topology-aware modeling in the multi-labeled context.


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