Issue 61: Supercomputing ’90 Featuring Pieces from SIGGRAPH ’90

  • ©61, Supercomputing '90 Featuring Pieces from SIGGRAPH '90

SVR Issue No:  61

SVR Issue Title:  Supercomputing '90 Featuring Pieces from SIGGRAPH '90

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 1990

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SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 61 Supercomputing ’90 Featuring Pieces from SIGGRAPH ’90
    1. The Politics of Pleasure – Meyers, EVL – UIC
    2. Splash Dance – Kass, Apple Computer, Inc.
    3. 1990 CFD Highlights – Gong, NASA Ames Research Center
    4. Visualizing Fermat’s Last Theorem – Hanson, Indiana University
    5. Numerical Simulations of Cosmic Jets – Elvins, SDSC
    6. The Formation of the Solar System – Nadeau, SDSC
    7. Sierpinski Blows His Gasket – Hart, EVL – UIC
    8. PSC 1990 Sampler – Welling, PSC
    9. Lively IFS – Lescinsky, EVL – UIC
    10. Cold Front Moving Across the North Atlantic – Hibbard, University of Wisconsin
    11. ANL’s Scientific Visualization Promo Tape – Dech, ANL
    12. Ductile Flow – Reynolds, Symbolics, Inc.
    13. Electron Densities of the AZT Molecule – Dech & O’Donnell, UIC
    14. Forest Fire Simulation – Gardner, Grumman Data Systems
    15. Landscape Dynamics of Yellowstone Park – Walker, NCSA
    16. Computational Quantum Chemistry in Catalysis Research – Walker, NCSA

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