Rodney Don Williams

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Texas Instruments


  • SIGGRAPH 1990

    R. Don Williams, is the co-inventor of the TI autostereoscopic multiplanar 3D display. He holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M University, with a specialty in Human Factors Engineering. He has worked for over 10 years in the information display area and has focused in the last 3 years on the evaluation of alternative technologies for 3D displays. He previously supervised and supported the human factors aspects of programs in the military, symbolic processing, office automation, industrial systems, and manufacturing business areas. Among his many professional activities “he has served as a member of the technical program committee for the Society for Information Display (SID) and co-authored the recent ANSI standard for the human factors engineering of visual display terminal workstations. Dr. Williams has published 17 technical papers and has filed 8 patents.

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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