Jodi Slater

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  • SIGGRAPH 1989

    Jodi Slater is a graphic systems designer with Manhattan Graphics and Letraset Inc., New York, specializing in the color interfaces for their desktop publishing and desktop presentation software (ReadySetGo and StandOut). She holds a M.S. in computer aided design from Carnegie Mellon University, and a B.A. in Computer Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania. At Carnegie Mellon, Slater developed a perceptually oriented color selection system based on the Munsell Book of Color. These ideas were extended in the Electronic Palette, an application she created for solving Josef Albers Interaction of Color exercises on the Macintosh II. Slater has also worked as a consultant to the human interface group at Apple Computer in the use of color in interface development.  


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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