“Virtual Showcases” by Bimber, Encarnação, Fröhlich and Schmalstieg

  • ©Oliver Bimber, L. Miguel Encarnação, Bernd Fröhlich, and Dieter Schmalstieg



Interest Area:

    Virtual Reality


    Virtual Showcases

Session/Category Title:   Virtual Landscapes



    Intuitive access to information in habitual environments is a grand challenge for information technology. An important question is how established and well-functioning everyday environments can be enhanced by rather than replaced with virtual environments. Augmented reality (AR) technology has a lot of potential in this respect, since it allows augmentation of real world environments with computer-generated imagery. Traditional (even see-through) head-mounted AR displays, however, present many shortcomings with respect to unencumbered use, which prohibits them from being seamlessly integrated with habitual environments. In this technical sketch, we describe a new AR display system – the Virtual Showcase (see Figure 1) – and introduce developed real time rendering and image transformation techniques.

Overview Page: