“There Can Still Be Only One: Independent Animation Production for the Lonely” by Palana and Rittler

  • ©Kristen Palana and Steve Rittler



Entry Number: 23


    There Can Still Be Only One: Independent Animation Production for the Lonely

Course Organizer(s):



    General knowledge of computer graphics and at least beginning-level experience in digital animation and design, either 3D or 2D. This course is not software-specific, and where demonstrations are required, several different platforms, packages, and techniques are discussed.

    Intended Audience
    Undergraduate and graduate students, beginning and intermediate digital animators, whether 2D or 3D, interested professionals, and, especially, independent animators.

    Introduction to professional digital production procedures used in the animation industry and how they can be used by individuals or small groups. Attendees learn the logical order of production, organization, scheduling, and available sources that they will need in order to plan, execute, and distribute an independently produced animation piece. This is a strategic-planning course, not a software or technique course. It shows how to use your own existing skills and talents in an organized and effective manner to achieve the best results from your work.

    The course summarizes preproduction concepts and techniques that allow animators to focus on the creative aspects of their projects and avoid time-consuming scheduling mistakes that will cripple production. From concept to design, storyboard to animatic, attendees learn the smartest ways to work, so they can save time, money, and heartache as they seek to realize their visions. Scheduling, resource management, and copyright issues are explored and discussed in the production segment of the course. In the postproduction segment, the final edit, output issues, credits, final submission to animation festivals, demo reels, and online submission strategies are addressed. In the end, attendees have a clear, organized plan of execution for their projects.

Overview Page: