“Tanks and temples: benchmarking large-scale scene reconstruction” by Knapitsch, Park, Zhou and Koltun

  • ©Arno Knapitsch, Jaesik Park, Qian-Yi Zhou, and Vladlen Koltun




    Tanks and temples: benchmarking large-scale scene reconstruction

Session/Category Title:   Reconstructing 3D Surfaces From Points, Lines, Images & Water




    We present a benchmark for image-based 3D reconstruction. The benchmark sequences were acquired outside the lab, in realistic conditions. Ground-truth data was captured using an industrial laser scanner. The benchmark includes both outdoor scenes and indoor environments. High-resolution video sequences are provided as input, supporting the development of novel pipelines that take advantage of video input to increase reconstruction fidelity. We report the performance of many image-based 3D reconstruction pipelines on the new benchmark. The results point to exciting challenges and opportunities for future work.


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