“Star-shaped metrics for mechanical metamaterial design” by Martínez, Skouras, Schumacher, Hornus, Lefebvre, et al. …

  • ©Jonàs Martínez, Melina Skouras, Christian Schumacher, Samuel Hornus, Sylvain Lefebvre, and Bernhard Thomaszewski




    Star-shaped metrics for mechanical metamaterial design

Session/Category Title:   Fabrication



    We present a method for designing mechanical metamaterials based on the novel concept of Voronoi diagrams induced by star-shaped metrics. As one of its central advantages, our approach supports interpolation between arbitrary metrics. This capability opens up a rich space of structures with interesting aesthetics and a wide range of mechanical properties, including isotropic, tetragonal, orthotropic, as well as smoothly graded materials. We evaluate our method by creating large sets of example structures, provided as accompanying material. We validate the mechanical properties predicted by simulation through tensile tests on a set of physical prototypes.


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