“Spatiotemporal atlas parameterization for evolving meshes” by Prada, Kazhdan, Chuang, Collet and Hoppe

  • ©Fabian Prada, Michael Kazhdan, Ming Chuang, Alvaro Collet, and Hugues Hoppe




    Spatiotemporal atlas parameterization for evolving meshes

Session/Category Title:   Being Discrete About Geometry Processing




    We convert a sequence of unstructured textured meshes into a mesh with incrementally changing connectivity and atlas parameterization. Like prior work on surface tracking, we seek temporally coherent mesh connectivity to enable efficient representation of surface geometry and texture. Like recent work on evolving meshes, we pursue local remeshing to permit tracking over long sequences containing significant deformations or topological changes. Our main contribution is to show that both goals are realizable within a common framework that simultaneously evolves both the set of mesh triangles and the parametric map. Sparsifying the remeshing operations allows the formation of large spatiotemporal texture charts. These charts are packed as prisms into a 3D atlas for a texture video. Reducing tracking drift using mesh-based optical flow helps improve compression of the resulting video stream.


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