“Interpolations of Smoke and Liquid Simulations” by Thuerey

  • ©Nils Thuerey




    Interpolations of Smoke and Liquid Simulations

Session/Category Title:   Fluid Control & Synthesis




    We present a novel method to interpolate smoke and liquid simulations in order to perform data-driven fluid simulations. Our approach calculates a dense space-time deformation using grid-based signed-distance functions of the inputs.

    A key advantage of this implicit Eulerian representation is that it allows us to use powerful techniques from the optical flow area. We employ a five-dimensional optical flow solve. In combination with a projection algorithm, and residual iterations, we achieve a robust matching of the inputs. Once the match is computed, arbitrary in-between variants can be created very efficiently. To concatenate multiple long-range deformations, we propose a novel alignment technique.

    Our approach has numerous advantages, including automatic matches without user input, volumetric deformations that can be applied to details around the surface, and the inherent handling of topology changes. As a result, we can interpolate swirling smoke clouds, and splashing liquid simulations. We can even match and interpolate phenomena with fundamentally different physics: a drop of liquid, and a blob of heavy smoke.


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