“Functional map networks for analyzing and exploring large shape collections” by Huang, Wang and Guibas

  • ©Qixing Huang, Fan Wang, and Leonidas (Leo) J. Guibas




    Functional map networks for analyzing and exploring large shape collections

Session/Category Title:   Shape Collection




    The construction of networks of maps among shapes in a collection enables a variety of applications in data-driven geometry processing. A key task in network construction is to make the maps consistent with each other. This consistency constraint, when properly defined, leads not only to a concise representation of such networks, but more importantly, it serves as a strong regularizer for correcting and improving noisy initial maps computed between pairs of shapes in isolation. Up-to-now, however, the consistency constraint has only been fully formulated for point-based maps or for shape collections that are fully similar.In this paper, we introduce a framework for computing consistent functional maps within heterogeneous shape collections. In such collections not all shapes share the same structure — different types of shared structure may be present within different (but possibly overlapping) sub-collections. Unlike point-based maps, functional maps can encode similarities at multiple levels of detail (points or parts), and thus are particularly suitable for coping with such diversity within a shape collection. We show how to rigorously formulate the consistency constraint in the functional map setting. The formulation leads to a powerful tool for computing consistent functional maps, and also for discovering shared structures, such as meaningful shape parts. We also show how to adapt the procedure for handling very large-scale shape collections. Experimental results on benchmark datasets show that the proposed framework significantly improves upon state-of-the-art data-driven techniques. We demonstrate the usefulness of the framework in shape co-segmentation and various shape exploration tasks.


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