“Exploration of bat wing morphology through a strip method and visualization” by Chen, Riskin, Hubel, Willis, Song, et al. …

  • ©Jian Chen, Daniel K. Riskin, Tatjana Y. Hubel, David Willis, Arnold Song, Hanyu Liu, Kenneth Breuer, Sharon M. Swartz, and David H. Laidlaw




    Exploration of bat wing morphology through a strip method and visualization



    We present a visual exploration tool that facilitates biologists navigating through complex bat wing geometry by combining a novel modeling method and an interactive visualization approach. Our work contributes to the following: a new method to quantify the dynamic kinematics during flight, a new curve fitting method that measures camber, and a new tool for time-varying data visualization for biological knowledge discovery.


    1. Foley, J., van Dam, A., Feiner, S., and Hughes, J. 1995. Computer graphics: principles and practice. Addison-Wesley Professional.

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